Here we are at the beginning of a new year, one faced with financial insecurity and much stress. Our pets, as our extended family, feel that stress too. So how can we help our furry kids to thrive and be healthy in the New Year?

The past year we have uncovered tons of research and information on our pets that have given us so much insight into providing both them and ourselves a healthier future. Many of the “Breakthroughs”, to quote the title of Suzanne Somers latest book, revolve around natural nutrition, natural remedies, and caution when treating ourselves and our pets.

You may notice my reference to the word natural. I do not use this as a marketing term as many food companies do, but as in the sense of what are truly found in nature. For our pets, this means biologically appropriate foods and supplement.

You may not be aware, but pet food companies have continued to have recalls of major, national brands of pet foods since the 2007 recall. These companies continue to use the same poor quality ingredients and processes to produce these foods that killed and injured thousands of our beloved pets. Many of these foods are recommended by your veterinarian as safe and appropriate. You see, nothing has changed to help your pet.

The threats to our pets are the highly processed commercial foods, with there misleading  numerous chemicals we find all around us.

You can do a lot to move your pets to a healthier future.

First and foremost is a proper diet. Remember, we are what we eat. Dogs and cat are carnivores, meaning their systems are designed to function on meat and fish! Mother Nature provides an all-balanced nutritional package in those foods.

Second, find healthcare providers that look at the pet as a whole, not at symptoms. Many veterinarians are nice, well-meaning people, but practice far too much of what drug companies push. A good homeopath is great place to start. The vet, not a technician or counter help, should be willing to spend the time to explain, other less expensive and “holistic” things you may be able to do yourself, not only what drug or procedure your pet may need, but how this will affect the rest of the body and ALL the side effects you may encounter.

As an example, the commonly used preventatives for heartworms not only does not prevent heartworms but also has dozens of side-effects, including scratching and itching, seizures, and even death! (These can be confirmed in the FDA records on the FDA website).

Since 85% of all problems veterinarians see are nutrition related, feeding appropriate REAL FOOD meals is the best start to a healthier New Year!

Pet Health Cafe
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