Why should I feed real food to my dog or cat?

Dogs are carnivores that evolved eating raw foods. Commercial foods are generally heat processed which alters or destroys nutrients and essential enzymes, so dog food companies try to add back what they destroyed, but they don’t always know what’s missing and what proportion is best. For example, cats were developing problems and dying when fed commercial food until it was discovered that Taurine was needed. Although it’s abundant in raw meat, they didn’t know until recently to add it to commercial food. It’s only in the last 50 years or so that people started feeding dogs commercial foods. And it’s quite a coincidence that during this time dogs have developed more cancer, heart disease, and allergies – just like people who also eat processed foods. 

Won’t raw food make my dog or cat sick?Dogs have a short digestive system that is designed to eat raw food. Cooked, commercial dog food takes longer for dogs to digest and often ferments before it is digested.  That is why dogs have bad breath and are always gassy.

What about bacteria?Bacteria is present almost everywhere. It only causes problems when the immune system is stressed. If you’re still worried, consider Salmonella: infection is usually acquired by ingestion of food contaminated by Salmonella-laden feces. Which is more likely to be contaminated by feces, bags of kibble stored in a warehouse or chicken parts wrapped in plastic for display at your local grocery?

Dogs, cats, and their wild ancestors, have survived eons by eating raw meat. Because they have survived by eating raw meat (sometimes rotting, dead things) it clearly shows that nature has adapted dogs to deal with the bacteria found on their food. People, however, may be at some risk when handling raw meat. Just like you would do when preparing food for yourself, be sure to thoroughly clean your hands, counters, and any utensils that come in contact with raw meat.

Shouldn’t I cook the meat?
No, and there are several reasons. First, dogs evolved to eat raw meat. Second, cooking causes bones to become brittle and dangerous. NEVER feed cooked bones to your dog! Third, cooking will destroy enzymes and anti-oxidants essential to your dog’s health. Many years ago Francis Pottenger M.D. did an experiment with cats. He fed one group of cats a raw diet and a different group a cooked diet. Soon, the cats eating a cooked diet developed problems such as tooth loss, skeletal deformities, behavioral problems, paralysis, heart lesions, and arthritis. By the third generation, these cats could no longer reproduce. Fortunately when these cats were later feed raw food, many were restored to health.

What is the best type of raw food?The best food for your dog may vary depending on his individual needs. The basic diet, however, should consist of mostly raw meat, and meaty bones with the addition of some organ meat. Some people feel that vegetables can provide additional nutrition. However because of the design of the dog’s teeth and his digestive system he probably won’t be able to derive much nutrition from fruits and vegetables unless they are cut very fine, mashed or lightly cooked.

How do I make sure my dog gets a complete and balanced diet?By feeding a varied diet based on raw and meaty bones you will achieve a balance over time. For example, chicken backs, necks and quarters, rabbit parts, turkey, pork necks and feet, beef, goat, fish, eggs (whole, including the shell), deer, elk, buffalo, ostrich and the list goes on…

Can’t my dog choke on a bone?Yes, dogs can (and have) choked on many things including bones, kibble, tennis balls, sticks, socks, etc. Dogs can also break their teeth on bones. Therefore it is best to feed bones of a manageable size, which generally includes poultry, rabbits, and non-weight bearing bones of larger animals. Although the bones should be of a manageable size, the pieces should be large enough so that the dog has to tear and chew rather than gulping it whole which could cause choking.

If you’re still worried about feeding bones to your dog – thanks to the propaganda that dog food companies have spewed for the past 50 years – you can still get most of the benefits of raw diet by feeding ground meat. Don’t just buy hamburger or even ground turkey, because neither contains the necessary bone. Although they may be fine for an occasional muscle meal, your dog needs the additional nutrients found in bones. You can buy a raw diet, ground and specially prepared for dogs, however you can never be sure what ingredients are actually in these packages. You can ask your butcher to grind for you, however he will probably decline because of the extra wear on his equipment caused by grinding bones. You can buy your own grinder and do it yourself, however you will probably be limited to the softer poultry bones. In a pinch, you can add some ground egg shells, however this isn’t the best long-term solution.

Are there any foods that I should not feed my dog or cat?Other than poor quality commercial “dog food” you should NEVER FEED your dog cooked bones. Cooking makes bones brittle and dangerous. Sugars, grains and dairy products should also be avoided. Sugars provide no nutrition and may increase your dog’s chance of developing diabetes or cancer. Some dogs can tolerate grains, but they break down into sugars and may also contribute to allergies. Except for puppies nursing their mother, dogs should rarely (if ever) eat dairy products as it is not a natural food for them and may contribute to digestive upsets and allergies.

Can you give me some recipes?
You don’t really need any recipes, as such, just remember to give your dog a varied diet. You can relax and stop obsessing. You don’t calculate the exact percentages of protein and carbohydrates or the amount of each vitamin and mineral that you eat, do you? Feeding your dog a healthy diet isn’t difficult. The majority of his diet should be raw, and meaty bones. Add some organ meat (e.g. heart, liver, etc), and maybe some mashed up vegetables. You can throw in some eggs (whole, including the shell), some fish (again, whole, if possible), and perhaps some yogurt (with active cultures to help digestion). Your dog won’t care. Just remember you’re striving for balance over time. 

Another way to help you visualize what to feed is called the prey model. Think of a chicken or rabbit, the whole thing, before it gets cut and wrapped for display in the meat section. Try to feed your dog the proportions found in that whole prey animal – a percentage is bone, a percentage is meat, and a percentage is organ meat.

How do I determine how much to feed my dog or cat?

As a starting point give your dog about 2 to 3 percent of his ideal adult weight. If your dog is very active, you may need to feed a little more. If your dog is more of a couch-potato, you may need to feed a little less. A good way to tell if you are feeding the right amount is to run your hands over your dog’s sprine. If you can feel the sprine, but not see them, your dog is at a good weight. It is healthier for him to be lean rather than fat or skinny. Puppies should also receive about 2 to 3 percent, but not of his current weight, rather 2 to 3 percent of his ideal ADULT weight. Also, you don’t have to give your dog the same amount every day. You don’t eat exactly the same amount every day, do you?

What about supplements?A varied diet of raw meats with a little organ meat and a meaty bone will provide all the nutrition the average dog needs. Some people feel that meat from commercially-raised animals may not provide the same amount of nutrients as meat from wild animals, therefore they supplement with salmon or fish-body oil. These oils contain high amounts of Omega-3s that may be deficient in the commercially-raised animals. Also some dogs, particularly dogs with health issues, may have greater requirements for certain nutrients.

How do I start?
It’s usually best to start simply: a variety of different meats for the first week or two.  Give your dog some time to adjust to this new food. Some dogs do best on a cold turkey switch rather than half-kibble and half-raw. Some dogs may take a little while to adjust, and you may see some diarrhea. If so, you can try adding a little sweet potato or canned pumpkin.

You may also see a little vomiting. Sometimes it’s bits of bone that he just couldn’t digest, other times it’s a yellow foam that means his stomach is empty. Raw meat digests faster than kibble, so you may need to feed more often.

My vet says there have been no studies to determine whether raw feeding is better for dogs or cats. How come?
And who would pay for these studies? Pet food companies? Most of the evidence that raw food is better will probably always be anecdotal. But what a body of evidence it is, considering dogs and cats have been eating raw for thousands of years and only started eating commercial food within the last 50 years or so. By the way, ask your vet how many hours he or she spent studying nutrition in school. In all the years of veterinary school, most vets only receive about 4 hours instruction on nutrition. And those 4 hours are often presented by representatives of dog food companies!

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